Karen Casey

“Each Day a New Beginning was first published in the early 1980s, the same period when I began giving lectures on A Course in Miracles. Those were days when spiritual seeking outside the confines of institutional religion was somewhat unique, even exotic. What Karen found in Alcoholics Anonymous, and I found in the Course, was a path to God that wasn’t waylaid by religious dogma….What grew from Karen’s hunger to know God was a compilation of thoughts and reflections that became this book, a publishing wonder that has touched the lives of millions. In a world of falsehood it’s a friendly reminder of what’s deeply true. You can’t read it in the morning and not be prepared for a better day.”
—Marianne Williamson, NYT bestselling author of A Return to Love
“Casey’s voice is thoughtful and accessible. Readers with a belief in the power of God will be most amenable to her recommendations for a simpler, more rewarding life.”
“Each Day a New Beginning is a super book! I have read it cover to cover! A woman with an alcohol or drug problem has a special problem. I think [Karen’s] book will be most helpful in coping with the special needs of women in recovery.”—Betty Ford, former First Lady and founder of The Betty Ford Center

“This book is small, is easy to digest, and would likely be taken from the display shelf by someone needing a psychological boost.”
—Deborah Bigelow, Library Journal
“These simple steps can lead to a peaceful and meaningful life. Casey’s self-help book is a winner!” —Frederick Brussat, spiritualityandpractice.com
“This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the quality of their thoughts and how being aware of them can bring positive change.”
—Mary Porter, Science of Mind
Testimonials from Readers
“I just celebrated 11 years sober and know in my heart of hearts I could not have done it without the aid of literature that spoke to my heart. Each Day a New Beginning was instrumental in helping me and so many others find peace and love in our daily walk through life. Just today at my 1 p.m. meeting, a newcomer was expressing gratitude to her Higher Power for the connection we share in our sobriety as we worked the 11th Tradition of anonymity. Since gratitude is traditionally celebrated in The Rooms during the month of November, I would like to say thank you so much to our Karen Casey for a spiritual reader that only gets better as the years go by.. May the blessings of our Fellowship bring you happiness, joy and freedom beyond measure.” – Kim D.
“Each Day a New Beginning is as fresh and inspiring to me today as it was 37 years ago. I especially was drawn to it because it was written for women. The quotes by women, some of which I recognize, the daily inspirational messages and meditations, have helped me throughout my sobriety with changing my attitudes and actions toward life.
“My copy of Each Day a New Beginning is dated 2002. This book got me through so many white-knuckle moments, a zillion “I don’t know what to do” periods, heartaches, loneliness, and spiritual angst. Each Day a New Beginning was part of my morning spiritual ritual for many years, and I often read it multiple times a day when I had anxiety attacks or spun into depressions. In short, this deeply inspired book saved my life. Karen’s writing met me at an inner place and fed me in a way that many of my other morning reads didn’t. About ten years ago, I met this wonderful human and have been blessed to talk with her every week since. I can say with certainty that Karen is authentic and has a true gift for connecting with the Divine and expressing with eloquence what she learns. Happy 40th Birthday Each Day a New Beginning, and thank you Karen for opening your heart and letting The Muse Within share such life-enriching messages with so many hungry readers.” – Nancy H.
“I have known Karen for over forty years and have read her words of wisdom almost daily. They never get old and even after so many years it’s often it’s just what I need to hear to face a particular day. Her take on the quotes furthers the wisdom of so many great thinkers and defines mine in a way that I think helps me be a better person.” – Kathleen R.
“You have indeed touched the lives of so many women. I am the librarian of my home group and I order more Each Day a New Beginning than any other book. After being in the fellowship for eleven years, I am so very grateful for ones like you who have taught me how to grow in wisdom.” – Kathy K.
“Dear Karen,
Feeling moved to write you once again. Your writings are so much a part of my life. It is so comforting and supportive to be in touch with another woman who has shared the same experiences. The confirmation your works give me helps me to find the strength to keep moving forward. They truly allay the fear and keep me in touch with love.