How limited are your dreams and aspirations?
I heard a great talk today about the limitations we place on ourselves. The speaker insisted, and I agree, that our vision of who God is and what can be accomplished with God as the “bus driver,” is far smaller than the reality.
We’ve likely been doubting our capabilities on many fronts for years: avoiding a particular sport, perhaps; or being afraid to apply for a different job, sure we couldn’t get it or “do it” if we got it, or even approaching a person we’d like to become friends with. Because we let our doubts imprison us, we fail to become the men and women we were born to be. There is a successful, confident person within each of us but we have to step around the veil of doubt and let her out. God will help. We simply have to ask.
Embracing this idea can change every future experience any one of us has. Being afraid to try something new or talk to people I didn’t know haunted my journey for decades. Now I can’t imagine living in that restricted space. Every thing about my life is based on the idea that the words that come quietly into my mind, are worth sharing; and wherever I am, I have been sent and I need to welcome all of those individuals who have likewise been sent to the same spot. I don’t know if the people I approach are “happy I came,” but I do know that my sense of well-being requires it of me.
It has made my journey far more peaceful to simply trust that wherever I am, God is there too and the dreams I have, have been given to me because they are specific to the strengths I have been blessed with. There was a time in my past when I would have gagged on the words I share so freely now. Thank goodness I have decided to believe what I share now. The end result is being able to live peacefully and that’s far preferable to the anxiety I harbored but tried desperately to shun in my earlier years.
We are as free and as capable as we make up our minds to be. Not unlike the words of Abe Lincoln, who supposedly said, “we are as happy as we make up our minds to be,” the future can mirror what we imagine. My life has become a reflection of this. Has yours?
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Hi Karen, I also agree I can not even begin to imagine how huge God is. My thoughts lead me far astray without the Holy Spirit. Thank you for all you do hugs and prayers all around. Love and peace, Mark.