Peace one day at a time. . .
This topic has been the substance of much of my work over the past few years, both in the books I have written and in the workshops I have presented. (Please see my or check out Amazon titles) I never get tired of it as a topic. Perhaps that’s because talking about it strengthens my own commitment to living, or at least trying to live, the peaceful life every day.
I know all too well how easily one can get derailed. It has happened to me far too many times, and during the holidays, it can happen even more easily to people. At a 12 step meeting I recently attended many people shared about their struggles to stay mellow in the midst of chaos; peaceful in the midst of angry shoppers; quiet in the midst of rude and disinterested store clerks. But there is a solution. There is a quiet place in our minds that we can “escape to” regardless of what is happening around us. The way to get there is to simply repeat a quiet word, perhaps God (or Peace, or call the angels who are on assignment to you) whenever you feel your ego itching to react. Reacting will never ever get you the quiet peaceful living you desire.
I am so glad I was introduced to this way of experiencing life a few years ago. It truly has made my journey far more peaceful and I promise I do practice that which “I preach.” I am not going to lie to you, however. This is an honesty program, and my ego does speak first, loudest and is sometimes given free reign. Not without repercussions though. In these instances repercussions are good. They serve as reminders of the better journey, the more productive day that is available to me if I simply change my attitude. That’s a choice that is always available to me.
I personally find it helpful to give a few quiet moments every morning to “seeing who I want to be,” in my many interactions for the day. I firmly believe that if we can’t see who we want to be, we won’t be it. Period. There is power in envisioning the better, the more peaceful journey. Give this exercise a try. And while you are at it, the next time you feel yourself about to lose it at the grocery or in a busy department store, or wherever you may be, go to that quiet place in your mind and experience a “vacation” for a moment. You will be refreshed. You will discover peace.