Envisioning the experiences we desire in 2010 is a good beginning. . .
“Seeing” where we want to go is the first step to getting there, I believe. Making resolutions is one way of defining our direction. We have no doubt all done that many times, and even kept some of the resolutions for a few weeks, perhaps. Sharing them with others is more powerful than simply writing them down and tucking them away, I think.
Over breakfast this morning a friend said she and a group of women were gathering this afternoon to make vision boards. I recalled more than thirty years ago sitting with a friend and cutting pictures and specific words from magazines and attaching them to poster board. This activity was supposed to draw to us those things we envisioned. The exercise was designed to allow us to free the vision, giving it over to God for fulfillment, much like putting a prayer or a problem in a God box for God to resolve, in the right time and in the right way. Both activities have a power inherent in them that’s sweet to experience.
I can still recall my poster board and among the many pictures I had cut from a magazine was one of a man assembling book shelves. There was a woman by his side in the picture. Not many months later, I experienced that very thing with the man who was to become my husband. Did my poster create the reality? I can’t answer that but I was able to release my wish for this particular life experience as soon as I attached the picture to the poster board.
The real message here is that having an idea of what we seek is truly a first step to discovering it when it appears. We can see what’s before us. Or not. Our willingness to notice the tiny details as they present themselves defines the experience we will have. And knowing what we want those experiences to be will attract them. We “see” what we want to see. There’s power in that idea.