Hello again. Please forgive me for my absence.

I have been absent for quite a spell. Life got in the way, not necessarily the better parts of life. In my last post I shared that I had just had a hip replacement, actually hip revision, a redo of one that was done 19 years ago. And now, 8 months later, I have had a knee replacement. Enough already. Three hip replacements, (yes three!) and a full knee replacement is enough. My other knee isn’t in the best condition but it will have to wait a while.
Other than recovering from these minor setbacks, life has been good. We are lucky, aren’t we? As long as we have a connection with other recovering souls we can face anything. I am absolutely convinced of that. We discussed that very idea at my meeting this morning. Willingness to show up and make a connection with like-minded souls will keep us on track and will allow us to serve as examples to others too. It’s not enough to just get clean and sober for ourselves. We must show up for others too. I think that’s the real joy of making this journey.
Because some of you might be wondering if my life as a writer is still active, I can assure you it is. Even though I haven’t been on my website, I am writing posts on Facebook fairly often; I have daily mediations from Each Day A New Beginning and Daily Meditations for Practicing the Course on Facebook every day; and I did just sign another contract for a book that will appear on Amazon and in bookstores in 2019. Writing allows me to make that connection with my Higher Power and in turn, with all of you, for me to feel fulfilled. That’s how it all began back in 1980 when I wrote my first book, Each Day A New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women. I was in a desperate search to know God and when I sat quietly in my study and wrote, God seemed to show up. That experience has never changed. I sit and listen and God speaks. How lucky I feel.
And how very lucky I feel that I have a gathering of women and men who care to read those words that God has shared with me. As I explained to a woman after the meeting this morning, I can’t explain my life. I can only live it the way God seems to be inviting me to live it. Until He quits paying me visits when I sit at the computer, I will keep writing. I hope you continue making this journey with me.
Thanks for coming along with me. We do make this “trip” as partners. I know this for a fact. And I thank you.
I FOUND YOU AGAIN!!!! SO glad. Peace and Blessings Karen.
DeniseHi Denise,
I have been out of the loop for a while with health challenges. So glad to hear from you. I’m not sure when you sent this but I am glad to have a chance to respond.
Marin Shanley
So good to “see” you again, Karen. I hadn’t realized that you are active on facebook, so will look for you there!
Marin ShanleyHi Marin,
I do Facebook posts more frequently than website posts. I should figure out how to do it one place and have it appear in other places too. I’m simply technologically challenged. If only I were 12 instead of 80. lol